Get the EP in 30 Days Master Course

for Just $1797 Now!

(Normally $2497)


You're Just 30 Days Away From Creating & Releasing Your Next EP!

Whether you are struggling to finish your first song & don't yet know your way around your DAW or feel your songs seem to be missing that special something that make it professional & releasable, this master course with break down exactly how to create your unique sound & release them consistently.

This 19 step process is the exact process I used to go from an average of 4 unreleased songs per year to 52 completed songs in just 13 months. These songs lead to 2 number 1 EP releases.

This Process has transformed hundreds of producer's lives & I am confident it will do the same for you.


As a musician, your goals aren't that complicated. You want to create music that:

  • * People will like
  • * Has your own unique sound
  • * You can be proud of

And yet, it's impossible to achieve any of these goals when you aren't finishing tracks.

You'll need to stretch your abilities beyond just copying other artists. Otherwise you'll risk getting stuck not making any progress toward your own unique sound.

You need to learn how to completely reverse engineer what you like about other songs so you can apply some of these features to your own sound. It's a frustrating feeling when you're constantly chasing someone else's sound but not developing your own voice. 

You can waste years this way. And believe me, those are years you will wish you could've done more with.

My name is Jason Timothy and I've been where you are & I want to help you get to where I am & beyond.

I have been coaching music producers since 1999. In this time I have worked & helped with 1000's of students.

I've also written a bestselling book on the subject that has helped change the producer's mindset when it comes to making music.

In this time I have learned what really matters to get you from point A to point Z and I have distilled it down to a process that gets results. Gauranteed.

What you'll learn

Below outlines the 18 course modules. This process took me years to perfect & has helped 100's of producer's start finishing release quality songs consistently. It's the exact process I used to finish 52 songs in 13 month & get three #1 EP releases on Beatport.


Learn the transformative creative habits that will change the way you approach music forever. I've been told that this module alone is worth the price of the course.


Learn the 10% of Ableton features that you need to create great music. Don't get lost in the wealth of options or they will paralyze you.


Learn how to listen & reverse engineer what you are hearing. This separates the good producers from the great ones. Once you learn this you will gain your independence as a music producer & not have to rely on constantly more courses.


Learn every instrument & effect in Ableton so you can chose which ones are the most important for your sound. This will massively speed up your workflow.


You will learn to create & organize your "go to" Sounds, Kits & Presets for easy access you professional sounds


You will learn why, when and how to use the 4 effects used in practically every song in all styles of music.


Learn how to keep up with the speed of your brain through proper organization & a clear path of action steps


Learn how to get started with the groove that will become your 1st song. I'll show you how imperfect ideas can become excellent tracks.


There is nothing worse than facing a blank slate. You will earn how to use the momentum of your 1st groove to build more song ideas.


Learn how to quickly arrange your songs instead of agonizing for weeks or months. You'll also learn how to quickly be changes to your arrangement without killing your track.


Learn the fundamentals of Sound Design & how to more easily construct the ideas in your head without all the confusing jargon.


Learn how to create more sounds to start fleshing out your groove into a song. This will be a huge time saver.


Learn ways to repurpose sounds already in your songs to create more dynamics, depth & fullness to your song.


Learn how to create builds & breaks that actually fit your song. I take a lot of the confusion out of this step so you don't get stuck. Once you get this, they will become much easier.


Learn how to spot when your song how too much going on that doesn't support the groove. In most cases, if you lose the groove, you lose the listener. This is an extremely important lesson.


Learn how to use Sends & Returns like a pro. We will go beyond the basic uses to give you new ways to add those professional details to your tracks.


Learn how to craft a professional mix & how to evaluate what changes might be needed. This will take a lot of mystery out of mixing.


Here you will learn how to discover problems with your mix that you may not have noticed up to this point. You'll be surprised how much you can improve your mix in this final mixing step.



See what past students have to say:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Best thing I Ever did was committing to this course, trusting in Jason's approach & his knowledge to forever more have a life filled with Music... & me making it!!!"


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"After finishing your course I changed my pace in producing and am producing a track a week /and sometimes even more)....You really changed my music life. Thank you so much. - Mattia Nicoletti."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I won 2nd place in a remix contest held by "Black Lemon Records". They are going to release my track .... This would not have been possible without your training. Thank you for the mentoring! - BN"


“I've taken courses in Dubspot and other online courses that have helped me learn a lot of the technical stuff (like how to use a compressor for example) but no course has been as efficient as this one in actually getting you to FINISH your music. ”



Downloadable Workbooks

Downloadable PDF Workbooks for every Training Module On top of the detailed walkthrough videos, I have included downloadable workbooks, so you can easily go back through all the information & the homework.

The Avoiding Pitfalls Video Collection

Although this course is very thorough, I added this bonus to make absolute sure you know you don't make any common mistakes as you go through the course. There is an avoiding pitfalls video for nearly every lesson. This covers many of the additional questions I received from my students going through the course.

The Master Course Producer's Community

When going through an intense course, it can sometimes be hard going it alone. Even though I am there for you every step of the way, it's always best to have a community of both new students & veterans who have been where you
are. Whether you need a bit of motivation or need a question answered quickly, this is a valuable resource that you will have for life.

Over the shoulder Remix Course

This bonus if a whole course of me creating
a remix from start to finish. You'll be able to
see my song arrangement take place & watch my piece together ideas. Some ideas don't work, and that is totally ok. It's all part of the process. You'll see all my effect settings & automation details as well. I would watch this after you've finished your first song or 2 with the master course.

Bonus Ableton Tools

I have created some great production tools for Ableton that can help you speed up your music productions. Normally these are sold individually, but you get them for free as a bonus.

The Producer's Mindset Collection

I can't understate the importance of mindset, when it comes to your music. This is a collection of my philosophies that have helped myself & many of my students to avoid procrastination, information overload & writer's block. I believe this will be invaluable in your music production.


1. How long will the course be and how frequently will the classes be held?

The course is made to be able complete in 30 days, but you can also go at your own pace.Don't worry, access to this course never expires, and as long as you are committed......I'll be there for you 100%

There are 19 daily lessons, with a 10-day buffer so you can catch up if you fall behind, or spend time writing more songs.

You are NOT required to show up to a live event each day.

Instead, you will receive an email each morning, linking you to the day's workbook, video lesson, and homework.

You will have an opportunity to email me questions regarding each of the daily lessons, so I canmake sure you are clear on everything.  

2. I'm a total amateur—is this course for me?

Ableton offers a FREE 30-day trial of the software. My course is 30 days. I did that on purpose. That way, you could finish at least 2 songs before the Ableton trial is over.

Also, amateur? Then you'll love being a part of the private Facebook group.

1 of my students was really open about having never even finished a song before. He was also a Logic user and never used Ableton.

He is now proficient enough in Ableton (he converted) to finish songs for the first time ever!

3. Do I have to finish the course in 30 days?

Absolutely not. Although the course can be completed in 30 days, you can completely go at your own pace.

I will be there the whole way to support you beyond the 30 days. My goal is to give you a process you can use for a lifetime. I'm not going to rush that.

My only suggestion is that you try to put in at least a little time as close to daily as possible.

Missing too many days in a row may cause you to have to go back & review previous modules.

4. How much time will I need to put into this course each day?

About 1.5 - 2.5 hours per module. But hey, if you fall behind a little, it's really not a big deal. It happens. I'll still be there every step of the way to make sure you get caught up again.

5. Does it matter what time zone I live in?

Not at all! This is why I opted not to do live lessons.

Instead, you'll receive an email every morning with the download link for your next lesson. You can finish the work on your own time.

6. Is this course genre specific?

Not at all. Although this was created for all styles of electronic music, if you have any genre-related questions, you can always ask me for help personally.

7. What kind of personal interaction can I expect from you?

I look through each student's homework everyday and respond with any advice I might have. If I need to provide you with a video response, I'll do that as well.

Nearly all my students use the private Facebook group, too. There you'll find an awesome community of students helping each other every step of the way.

8. What if I don't own Ableton or want to use another DAW?

That is totally fine. Although this course is taught using Ableton, the concepts apply to any DAW. For each lesson, I link you to resources to do the same things in Logic, FL Studio, Cubase & Reason.

If you are interested in Ableton but don't yet own it, I recommend downloading the free 30 day trial which is a fully functional version of Ableton suite, which includes all the instruments & effects. This way you can have finished your EP before you even purchase Ableton.

From me to you

“It is my goal that this Master Course gives
you a process & the tools to finish release quality songs consistently for many years to come. I want to cure your addiction to constantly searching more tools & more information.

A properly trained student should outgrow the need for a coach & that is my desire for you.”

Jason Timothy | Producer / DJ / Coach

The Master Course begins Soon!

Due to the amount of attention I devote to each student, I can only take on 50 qualified students per launch. If you are ready to fully commit yourself to this process & truly want to crate a lasting transformation in your music, I am ready to guide you every step of the way.